The roles of a Mental Health Champion and a Mental Health First Aider are both integral in promoting mental health awareness and support, but they have distinct responsibilities and training focuses. Here are the key differences between the two:

Mental Health Champion

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Awareness and Advocacy: Mental Health Champions are primarily responsible for promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma within an organization or community.
  • Cultural Change: They work to foster a positive and supportive culture regarding mental health by encouraging conversations, sharing information, and leading by example.
  • Signposting: While they may not provide direct support, Mental Health Champions can guide individuals towards appropriate resources and support services.
  • Events and Campaigns: They often organise or participate in mental health events, campaigns, and initiatives to raise awareness and educate others.


  • Focus: The training for Mental Health Champions typically focuses on understanding mental health, recognizing the importance of mental well-being, and learning how to advocate for mental health in a proactive manner.
  • Duration: Training is usually shorter and less intensive than that for Mental Health First Aiders, as it centers more on awareness and advocacy rather than direct intervention.

Mental Health First Aider

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Immediate Support: Mental Health First Aiders provide initial support to someone experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress, similar to how a physical first aider would provide initial care in a medical emergency.
  • Assessment and Action: They are trained to assess the situation, listen non-judgmentally, offer reassurance, and guide the individual towards professional help or other support.
  • Crisis Intervention: They can handle immediate situations involving anxiety, depression, self-harm, or other mental health issues until professional help is available.
  • Confidentiality: Maintaining confidentiality and providing a safe space for individuals to share their concerns is a crucial part of their role.


  • Focus: The training for Mental Health First Aiders is more comprehensive and focuses on understanding mental health conditions, recognizing symptoms, and learning practical skills for intervention and support.
  • Duration: Training is typically more extensive, often involving several days of instruction and practise to ensure participants are well-prepared to handle a variety of mental health situations.


In essence, Mental Health Champions are advocates who work to promote mental health awareness and reduce stigma, primarily focusing on prevention and cultural change. Mental Health First Aiders, on the other hand, are trained to provide immediate and practical support to individuals in distress, focusing on intervention and guiding them to appropriate professional help. Both roles are crucial but serve different purposes within the framework of mental health support.

To find the right training course for you, see here: View Our Available Mental Health Courses | Worksafe UK

Published On: June 28th, 2024